St. Bonaventure University

Academics should be the focus

Below is some basic information students and the people supporting them may need to be familiar with during the student's time at St. Bonaventure University.

Students who are in need of academic support/tutoring or services for students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Learning Center. If your student has questions about career-related issues, they can find assistance in the Career and Professional Readiness Center.

  • Student Advisement
    Your student will need to choose classes and register for courses, make changes to his/her schedule, declare a major and define career goals. During his/her career at St. Bonaventure University, s/he will need to examine his/her performance in different courses, identify skills and those s/he wishes to develop, and decide what really matters to him/her during his/her stay at St. Bonaventure University. 
    Much of this assessment s/he will do herself, but it is recommended that s/he take full advantage of the experience and insights of faculty members, advisers, staff, career counselors, RDs, RAs and peer counselors in order to make the decisions that are best for him/her.
    Each student is assigned a faculty member in his/her major area of study to serve as an academic adviser. Undeclared students are assigned advisers who have experience working with students who are still determining an academic direction. Once a student selects a major, the adviser will switch to a faculty member in that department.
    Your student's academic adviser is there to assist him/her in a number of ways. The adviser has the knowledge and expertise to help guide, mentor, and suggest options which will make the student’s academic preparation and experiences as beneficial and complete as possible.  Opportunities for a minor, internships, co-curricular activities, study abroad, as well as conversations about a student’s concerns, are among the many topics discussed by students and their advisers.
    Each student will ultimately be responsible for making many important decisions throughout his/her college career. We invite you to participate in the decision-making process by directing your student to the diverse resources that can help make those decisions well-informed ones. 
    Each semester before registering for classes, a student will meet with his adviser and they will decide together which courses for which the student will register. The student can then log into and register him/herself for those classes.   
    Students attending St. Bonaventure University earn marks for their performance based on a 4.0 quality point grading scale. The Cumulative Index or Grade Point Average (GPA) is found by dividing the number of credit hours of work the student has taken into the number of quality points the student has earned.

              System of Marking (effective September 1990)


    Very Good


    Below Average

    4.0 quality points per credit hour
    3.7 quality points per credit hour
    3.3 quality points per credit hour
    3.0 quality points per credit hour
    2.7 quality points per credit hour
    2.3 quality points per credit hour
    2.0 quality points per credit hour
    1.7 quality points per credit hour
    1.3 quality points per credit hour
    1.0 quality points per credit hour
    .7 quality points per credit hour
    no credit and no quality points

    I - Incomplete: no credit and no quality points (Must be made up no later than three weeks prior to the last day of classes of the following academic semester).
    IP - In Progress: This grade is reserved for courses in which the work may extend by design beyond a particular semester. It will be replaced by a suitable grade upon completion of the work.
    W - Withdrawal from a class: Withdrawal from a class may be made at the Registrar’s office by the individual student only through the published withdrawal date for each academic term. The student must fill out a Withdrawal Form and have the form signed by his academic adviser and the faculty member teaching the class.
    Complete information on grading can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.


    All full-time students who have an academic index of 3.25 or better in the previous semester may be included in the University Honors List. The name of any student may be withdrawn from the list at any time by the Vice President for Academic Affairs if the student fails to maintain standard scholarship and conduct.  
    St. Bonaventure University grants three grades of distinction – General Honors – to graduates whose cumulative index (GPA) indicates leadership and high scholastic achievement. General Honors are:

    • Summa Cum Laude, when the index is 3.90 or above;
    • Magna Cum Laude, when the index is 3.60 to 3.89;
    • Cum Laude, when the index is 3.25 to 3.59.    
    Academic Probation and Dismissal 
    St. Bonaventure University, like other colleges and universities, has sets of rules and regulations with which students need to be familiar in order to avoid problems. Keeping good grades is one way to avoid problems and possible dismissal from the University. Should a student fail to meet the University’s minimum academic requirements, then Academic Probation or dismissal could occur.  More information can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.  
    Academic Restoration Program
    Due to a variety of factors, some students do not succeed academically in their first semester at college.  After each semester, the Academic Review Committee reviews the records of students whose academic performance have made them eligible for dismissal from the University. Students subject to dismissal at the end of their first semester may be allowed to register for the following semester provided they participate in a program designed to assist students in academic difficulty.
    The students who are allowed back in to the University may enroll conditional upon an agreement to accept a 12-hour maximum course load and participate in the Academic Restoration Program (ARP), prescribed by the Teaching Learning Center. The Academic Restoration Program is designed to assist students in exploring the academic, social and personal factors that led to their poor academic performance and encourage students to make appropriate changes in their lives, potentially leading to academic success. 
    Failure to comply with any component of the program will result in immediate dismissal from St. Bonaventure.  
    Academic Dishonesty
    Students of St. Bonaventure University are expected to demonstrate Academic Integrity, to be honest and forthright in their academic pursuits. It is inappropriate behavior to falsify the results of research or include someone else’s words, ideas or data as one’s own (plagiarism) without proper credit being given. It is also inappropriate to intentionally use or invent information or the falsification of research or other findings (fabrication).  When a student places his or her name on submitted work, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements.
    Academic dishonesty is inconsistent with the moral character expected of students in a university committed to spiritual and intellectual growth of the whole person. Student regulations and consequences for violation of those responsibilities are outlined in the St. Bonaventure University Student Handbook.